Friday, April 30, 2010

Joseph Schwab's 4 components

As I was browsing through "Evaluation Roots: Tracing Theorists' views and influences, I came across a passage on p.338 that talked about some ideas by a Joseph Schwab.

There are four commonplaces of a learning experience:
  1. Teacher
  2. Learner
  3. Curriculum
  4. Milieu or context
Fascinating! This is what I have found to be true also. The 3-person model is also founded on such ideas. Fascinating. I will have to read more on Joseph Schwab.

Other Joseph Schwab References:
Schwab (GoogleBooks): "Science, Curriculum, and Liberal Education: Selected Essays"

Counter articles:
A. Clark "The Fifth Commonplace"
T. W. Roby "What to do about Joseph Schwab and the Rabbis"

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Design Ideas - IPT 664 4/13/10

There is a priority of ideas. In everything we write, we have to determine what is most important.

We need to cut down text by 50% and then cut down the remaining text by 50%.

Every design I make is a trade-off (Want to do vs. Must do).